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Meredith Stone Wellman, RD, LD

Nutrition on the Go

Ideally, I would always have prepared snacks ready to go... And, I mean, while we're at it, there would never be wrinkles on my clothes, no frizz in my hair, and I would always have time to frolic around the kitchen making everything from scratch.


In reality, we travel back and forth a lot, and our schedules are different. Some days I can do it all and prepare everything down to the snacks. Some days I am running around doing chores while my hair air dries, "ironing" my clothes in the dryer while I catch up on work, prepping dinner (*snap a pic for Insta if I remember), and leaving justtt enough time to get to work a minute early. Some days I prioritize my 8+ hours of sleep and getting a workout in over prepping anything so my husband cooks dinner. 

I do always have a Plan B and that is key to a healthy lifestyle, because life is unpredictable. 

With that being said, at least once a week I am grabbing a snack out of the pantry, just shoving the whole bag in my purse as I run out the door... (The chaotic scene you are picturing is probably accurate.) But hey, I'm not talking M&Ms and a bag of Cheetos. Despite being in a rush or not fully prepping, I take nutritious snacks with me that will get me through when my tank is on E

Of course, fresh fruit, cheese sticks, and chopped veggies are common, quick and healthful snacks. Those can be paired with these... This is for nutritious snacks that don't need to be washed, cut, put in containers, or refrigerated. Yay! 

These are my "Pantry Plan B" go-tos:

*Note: Yes, roasting your own chickpeas, pumpkin seeds and edamame would be even more budget-friendly, but this post is to help when you are in a time crunch.

**Note Dos: Stay tuned for a blog post on "What I Plan for When Plans Don't Go as Planned" for meals.

Always have a #PlanB.

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