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Writer's pictureMeredith Wellman, MS, RD

How To: Simply Clean the Oven + Kitchen Refresh

First things first, #SoulWork in the kitchen...

Song I'm Lovin':

Quote I'm Thinkin':

"Comparison kills creativity. There is room for you. Nobody can do it with your voice, with your experience, and with your insight!" -Karen Walrond

Listen... My oven had gotten to the point where smoke was coming out of every angle when I turned it on. It took that for me to make time to clean it. I've only cleaned my oven a few times since I've been on my own... Don't judge! The first time, I tried the oven cleaning setting, but it smelled awful and I wasn't pleased with the outcome. Of course, when I decide it's time to clean the oven I want to do it NOW. So, I looked up how to clean an oven with common kitchen products. I adapted to make it even easier, and it's consistently worked! Many may already know how to do this, but if you don't like I didn't... Here ya go...

A clean oven, a pineapple, and fresh flowers made me feel

so refreshed in the kitchen.

What You Need:

Baking soda (1/2 C or more), water, a bowl, white vinegar, a scrubber, a kitchen towel, and potentially a metal spatula... Good music and the blinds open make for a better experience!


~30 minutes total labor time (Less if your oven doesn't require scraping with a spatula!)

*You have to let it sit 12+ hours (So, do this on a day where you have leftovers, are eating outside of the home, or can cook just on the stove top or in a crockpot!)

What You Do:

1. Empty your sink.

2. Remove racks from oven, place in sink.

3. In small bowl, mix 1/2 C baking soda with 2-3 Tbsp. of water. You want it to be a paste - If it is too wet, add baking soda. If it is too thick, add water.

4. With your hands or a rag (hands work best!), smear paste all over the inside of the oven... The inside of the door, the sides, and the bottom. Rinse your hands.

5. Let sit for 12+ hours (I did this on a Sunday and didn't get back to it until Tuesday afternoon when I needed the oven...!).

6. To clean oven racks, fill sink with a little soapy water. Use scrubber and aggressively go over the rack. Rinse. Let dry on towel.

7. After 12+ hours, take a kitchen towel and wet it down with water. Pour white vinegar in a bowl. Soak the wet towel in the vinegar, and lightly wring out the towel so it's not dripping. Wipe off all you can of the dried baking soda (...You will have to put some elbow grease into it). The vinegar will make the baking soda fizz up and dissolve easier. Add more if needed.

8. For the tough spots, grab a metal spatula. Push the edge onto the tough spots to scrape off thick pieces of dried baking soda/cooked on spots (I think I broke a sweat doing this part...).

9. After you've got it as good as you can, wipe thoroughly with another water and vinegar soaked kitchen towel.

10. Now you'll probably have to wipe up the floor from the dropped baking soda chunks. Place the racks back in the oven. Spritz a little Windex on the outside of the oven door.

Admire the clean oven, and then get cooking!


Before & the process...



My oven is older than me, so there are some love spots that no amount of scraping or baking soda will get off... It doesn't have to look brand new!

Make your environment uplifting!

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